Fluido+ 150 is the latest compact sliding system from Colcom for tempered glass doors. Stéphane Boutin of Verre Idéal Inc., verreideal.ca, in Quebec City chose to use the Fluido+ 150 because the system blends perfectly in this office environment. According to Stéphane it is ”a quality system, easy to install”. The mechanics of the system blends perfectly with modern design, allowing security, privacy and light. It is suitable for wall, ceiling and false ceiling installations. In the false ceiling version, the sliding mechanism is completely hidden. Fluido+ 150 features the new closing system, “Colcom Progressive Closing System” (CPCS), combining minimal design and maximum functionality. The accessory allows an automatic and gradual closing of the door. The integrated antishock system slows the movement of the door in the last section. It does not modify the door’s aesthetics because it is invisible from outside. The system is easily and quickly installed in both commercial and residential environments. Expand the design possibilities by combining pivoting doors with sliding doors. The Fluido+ 150 can be mounted on wood doors as well. The finishes available are clear anodized aluminium, black anodized aluminium and, imitation satin stainless steel.